Need some help with font rendering.(the other side of the debate) Why Google Chrome looks Blurry compared to Firefox ?.Font rendering like in Firefox and Edge on Windows?.Issue 534732: Windows Cleartype: font rendering is inconsistent than other software (slightly lighter).Some more thoughts: all links below include cropped, zoomed text views to illustrate the root cause: I think you will find a few people who prefer Chromium's thinner font (which may be pure preference or simply expecting what you've always had), but I think most typical users prefer the sharper, darker style (like EdgeHTML, Firefox, IE, and even other Chromium browsers have used). Font Rendering Enhancer requires no appreciated for acknowledging this sincere request: Chromium fonts rendering adds too light/similar-to-the-background-color pixels at the edges of letters, making the text appear too thin, too light, and thus harder to read versus other browsers, notable EdgeHTML. **I should note, as a caution, that both Font Expander and Chrome Font Rendering Enhancer are given permission to access your browsing history.

That's Microsoft's job to fix, and fix it Microsoft should before force-switching users from EdgeClassic to EgdeChromium. I've elected to use Font Rendering Enhancer as a workaround, but it seems to me that users should not have to find and install extensions from the Chrome Store to get basic functionality like a readable font. All work slightly differently, with slightly different results, but each of them bring EdgeChromium font rendering close to the level of EdgeClassic and Firefox. I've found three that seem to do a good job (Chrome Font Rendering Enhancer**, Font Rendering Enhancer, and Font Expander**). I want to thank Anonymous for pointing out the possibility of using Chrome extensions to bring EdgeChromium fonts closer to the EdgeClassic and Firefox level of readability. The good news is that Microsoft employees have entered the discussion and now, perhaps, Microsoft will pay some attention to the rendering issue. The bad news is that this is the first thread (of at least a half dozen) in which Microsoft employees have entered the discussion. The "wimpy font" rendering (thin, grayed out) of EdgeChromium has been a topic of discussion on this Forum since April-May, including threads in which folks with more skill than I have done pixel-by-pixel analysis of the differences between EdgeChromium, EdgeClassic and Firefox rendering.